The Ipswich State High School is an RTO (Registered Training Organisation 30069) offering a variety of certificate courses for students.
The 2025 VET Course Information Booklet (1.16MB) provides information available courses and general VET information for students. This includes a privacy notice.
The school, as an RTO, has a complaints and appeals policy (PDF, 264.33KB) specific to its RTO operations.
A complaint can be made to the school RTO regarding the conduct of:
the school RTO, its trainers, assessors or other school RTO staff
students of the RTO
any third parties providing services on behalf of the school RTO (if relevant).
An appeal can be made to the school RTO to request a review of a decision, including assessment decisions.
The school RTO will ensure that the principles of natural justice and procedural fairness are adopted at every stage of the complaints and appeals process. All formal complaints and appeals will be heard and decided on within 60 calendar days of receiving the written complaint or appeal.
If the school RTO considers more than 60 calendar days are required to process and finalise the complaint or appeal, the complainant or appellant will be informed of the reasons in writing and will be regularly updated on the progress of the matter.
If the processes fail to resolve the complaint or appeal, a review by an independent party will be provided if requested.
Complaints or appeals should be directed to the Principal as CEO of the school RTO: Fill in the
Complaints and Appeals Form (DOC, 698KB) to complete this process.

The Ipswich State High School requires a copy of your USI number. Please forward this information onto Donna Goodman at