Design and Technology (DAT) involves the design and manufacture of products found in everyday use in in the household and industry. The communication of designs and products through sketches, annotations, documentation and graphical representations are an integral part of the design process.
Technological developments continually expand the range of materials, tools, equipment and processes that may be used in the manufacture of products.
It is through the study of DAT that students have the opportunity to develop skills and expand their knowledge of the technological world around them.
Junior Secondary
All students in years 7, 8, 9 and 10 have the opportunity to choose the electives offered in Design and Technology.
Year 7 and 8 students are able to select DAT for one semester in year 7 and again for one semester in year 8 as part of their compulsory Technology curriculum offering. The course gives foundation knowledge and skills in the design and manipulation of materials used in manufacturing industries.
In year 9 & 10 students are able to build on the foundation skills and knowledge developed in years 7 & 8 to produce projects of increasing complexity. Students will develop hand skills, written and graphical communications in the form of sketches and computer aided drafting drawings to convey their ideas.
Senior Secondary
Design and Technology in the senior phase of schooling focuses on vocational pathways through the offering of Applied or VET pathways.
Design and Technology VET subjects:- Cert 1 in Construction, Cert II in Engineering Pathways and a Certificate II in Resources and Infrastructure Work Preparation “Civil Construction Industry”.
CPC10111 Certificate I in Construction
General Construction course provides students with the skills & knowledge to complete the CPC10111 Certificate I in Construction. This qualification provides an introduction to the construction industry, its culture, career opportunities and workplace expectations.
MEM20413 Certificate II in Engineering Pathways
The qualification is intended for people interested in exposure to an engineering or related working environment with a view to entering into employment in that area. This qualification will equip graduates with knowledge and skills which will enhance their prospects of employment in an engineering or related working environment.
RII20115 Certificate II in Resources and Infrastructure Work Preparation