Student Representative Council (SRC)

What is the SRC?
The Ipswich State High School prides itself on the involvement of all year levels having influence in the running of the school. Our Student Representative Council has elected leaders from all years, forming the student voice and allowing all members of the school to be heard.
There are four house leaders elected in each grade from year 7-11 which form our Junior SRC. Our Senior SRC is made up of two School Captains, Two Bice Captains, a House Captain for each house and prefects for a range of different positions. These positions are changed dependent upon the interests and strengths of the student's applying. The Junior and Senior SRC combine to form one voice.
How are leaders elected?Students are required to nominate themselves by completing a nomination form which requires signatures from 3 of their teachers. Students then present a speech to their peers. Staff and students vote on the students following their speeches.
For students in Years 8-12, the election process commences in Term 3 for the following year. Students in Year 7 commence their election process at the beginning of Term 2 for the remainder of their first year of high school.
What do they do?
First and foremost, the SRC are students. Their job here is clear: to be the best they can be. Emphasis is put on each student succeeding in their chosen pathway, be this academic or vocational. There are regular meetings where whole school issues are focused upon and the SRC organise key initiatives.
The SRC is also responsible for various fundraising events, both in and out of school. Students will take part in community events, giving up their time and energy to participate in events such as Park2Park and the ANZAC Day march.
What is the SRC legacy?
Each year, the SRC leave the school with a legacy. This is decided by consulting other students and various staff members, including the Principal. Each legacy that is left aims to make The Ipswich State High School a better place for students and staff.
It is important to acknowledge that the success of the SRC would not be possible without the support of the parents and teachers as well as the students are in these roles.