The Ipswich State High School is committed to the social and emotional development of our students. This commitment aligns with the key foci of the Ethical and Respectful Minds within the "5 Minds for the Future" curriculum framework. At The Ipswich State High School, students are provided with opportunities to access support services from a range of school-based and external service providers. The Ipswich State High School is committed to the social and emotional development of our students. This commitment aligns with the key foci of the Ethical and Respectful Minds within the "5 Minds for the Future" curriculum framework. At The Ipswich State High School, students are provided with opportunities to access support services from a range of school-based and external service providers.
In order to align with this curriculum framework from a social and emotional wellbeing perspective, The Ipswich State High School’s Triple S members subscribe to the following approaches for working with young people:
Harm Minimisation – this is an approach that provides students with the knowledge and tools to make informed and positive choices for themselves. This commitment aligns with the official policy concept underpinning State and Federal Government public health strategies;
Targeted Intervention – reviewing school patterns and trends to identify individuals or groups of students who may require additional support in the school context, and
Research & Evidence Based Best Practice – sourcing intervention programmes, processes and providers that have valid and reliable outcomes for our students.
Within the school, students may access the following support staff:
Student Wellbeing Staff
Head of Department Student Support
Guidance Officer
Youth Worker
School Based Youth Health Nurse (SBYHN)
School Based Police Officer (SBPO)
Community Education Counsellor (CEC)
Community Welfare Officer (CWO)
Young Families Connect (YFC) Programme Coordinator
School Chaplains
Ipswich Community Youth Service (ICYS) Youth Support Coordinator (YSC)
Defence Transition Mentor (DTM)
Polynesian Liaison Officer (PLO)
Teacher of the Deaf
In addition to these school-based services, The Ipswich State High School regularly accesses external government agencies and/or Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) to develop individualised approaches to supporting student needs.