Drama allows students to develop many skills including: reasoning skills, interpretation and analysis, public speaking skills, creative problem solving, team work and confidence building and project management
Junior Secondary
In Years 7 & 8 students are able to select Drama as a one semester elective a part of their compulsory Art curriculum offering. In Years 9 & 10, students can choose a year long elective in Drama.
Senior Secondary
In Years 11 and 12, student can choose General/ATAR pathway.
Drama allows students to develop a range of interrelated skills of drama that will
complement the knowledge and processes needed to create dramatic action and meaning. Drama interrogates the human experience by investigating, communicating and embodying
stories, experiences, emotions and ideas that reflect the human experience. It allows students to
look to the past with curiosity, and explore inherited traditions of artistry to inform their own artistic
practice and shape their world as global citizens.