From Year 10, students can select to study a Hair and Beauty pathway. This pathway reflects the role of individuals who are competent in communicating in the workplace, interacting with customers, demonstrating and selling make-up and retail skin care products, and performing routine salon or store functions. This qualification reflects the role of individuals who are competent in communicating in the workplace, interacting with customers, demonstrating and selling make-up and retail skin care products, and performing routine salon or store functions.
The qualification is designed to reflect the role of persons who perform a prescribed range of functions under supervision, involving known routines and procedures and with some accountability for the quality of outcomes.
Senior Secondary
In senior, students can enrol in a variety of Hair and Beauty courses. Listed below are the four courses offered to students.
Certificate II in Salon Assistant (SHB20216)
Certificate II in Retail Cosmetics (SHB20121)
Certificate III in Beauty Services (SHB30121)
Certificate III in Nail Technology (SHB30321)