
Enrolling at our School


​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Enrolment Process - IN CATCHMENT APPLICATIONS

The following process needs to be completed prior to an enrolment interview.  A


Download, complete and save the form​:


The Out of Catchment Exemption Application Form is contained in the above listed enrolment applications.   Please note that there is a $30 Out of Catchment Application Fee that is non-refundable and does not guarantee an enrolment.  Applications received for Out of Catchment consideration are placed on a waiting list by order of lodgement.

Enrolment Application Packs are also available for collection at Administration. 

Email the completed form together with all requested documentation outlined in the checklist on Page 2 of the Application Form  to  Only fully completed applications attaching all required attachments  as per the checklist will be accepted for processing.

The Enrolment Application and attachments should be saved as pdf's.  We are unable to access links to documents (ie via Google Drive, Onenote etc).

Enrolment applications may also be lodged at Administration betwen 9.30am and 3.15pm  Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays and school holidays).

Student Resource fees for  2025 are $350 for Years 7,8 & 9 and $250 for Years 10, 11 & 12.  To confirm your enrolment, finance will be accepting either the yearly fee of $350 or $250 or First Term Fee of $100 .  You will also have the opportunity to sign up for a payment plan and/or centrepay deduction, if required, to pay any balance remaining after payment of $100.  Your QKR receipt is required to be attached with your lodgement of your application.

Please note that if your student elects to participate in a subject that attracts a specialist subject fee, payment of the $100 first term instalment must be paid prior to the payment of the specialist subject fee.  More detailed information regarding our school fees can also be found at Student Fees and Charges policy.pdf

Payments can be made via:

Please contact finance on 3813 4462 or​  if you have any queries regarding our fees.​


Once we received your Enrolment Application and documentation as per Step 2 above, we will email a unique code to register for QParents.  QParents is a user friendly portal that provides parents and guardians secure online access to information about their child's schooling (timetable, school reports, invoices and payment history etc).  It will also allow you to update your contact details via the app and also provide excursion consents from your computer, phone or tablet.  A factsheet about QParents can be found here: QParents Factsheet

Initial registration will need to be completed on a computer using Chrome or Edge web browsers.  The process to register is set out in the QParents Registration Process​.  To complete the registration you will need:

  1. The invite from our school with the unique code;
  2. Your students EQID  - this can be found on their last issued school report, Student ID or their timetable.
  3. Your 100 points of Identification. - details of what you can use are set out in the in Qparents fact sheet.​

After your account is registered, you will be able to download the QParent app onto your phone or tablet for easier access.

Once you have completed your QParent registration, we will review your registration and approve your account.  Then we will ask you to complete further consents and agreements required by Education Queensland.

Once these additional consents and agreements are completed via QParents our Enrolments Team will invite you to an enrolment interview.  Students enrolling into Year 7 2025  will be invited to attend a group enrolment session. 

It is mandatory for an enrolling student to attend  an enrolment interview or enrolment session with a parent or guardian to finalise the enrolment process.

What to bring to enrolment interview

  1. The enrolling student
  2. Parent or Legal Guardian

If you have any further enquiries regarding student enrolment, please contact enrolments on 07 3813 4461

More Information

The Information Guides listed above contain all other important information including:

  • Key contact number and details
  • Important Dates
  • Bell Times
  • Phones Away Information Sheet
  • Student Resource Scheme Agreement  ("SRS") and supplementary information - copy provided for information purposes and the SRS agreement is completed in QParents.
  • QKR Information Sheet
  • Finance Payment Options
  • Uniform & Dress Code Policy
  • Uniform Price List - Current as at 19.02.2024 - subject to change - prices forecast to increase as at 01.07.2024.
  • Stationary Requirements (suggested)
  • Code of School Behaviour
  • Responsible Behaviour Plan
  • Parent Communication and Student Message Policy
  • Early Departure Policy
  • Attendance Matters Fact Sheet
  • Bus Telephone Numbers
  • Homestay Family 
  • Canteen Help Request Form
  • P&C Donations


  • ​Step One - Download and Complete your Enrolment Application Form (​​​2025 Application to Enrol) as listed above.​
  • Lodge your application form via email with the attachments as listed in the checklist on Page 2.   Please ensure the application form and attachments are all saved as pdfs.  We are unable to access documents sent to us via a link.  Please note only fully completed application forms together with all required attachments will be accepted for procesing.
  • Please note that you will be required to provide a QKR receipt for payment of the $30 Out of Catchment Application Fee.  Payment of this fee is not refundable and does not guarantee an enrolment.  Students wishing to apply for out of catchment consideration are recommended to also apply for enrolment into their catchment school as we cannot guarantee an enrolment at our school.
  • Out of Catchment Applications are referred to the Principal for review and consideration.  If you are applying for consideration to participate in one of our Programs of Excellence, you may be invited to attend a trial or examination as part of the application process.
  • Applications are placed on a waitlist in order of receipt.


Last reviewed 29 November 2024
Last updated 29 November 2024